

= Initial Consultation =

Your first consultation will be free and will last 25 minutes via WhatsApp,

Zoom or FaceTime, this is to understand what your need is.

We will go through your current lifestyle, past health, diet and future aim in these areas.


= Further Consultation =

Following your initial consultation, we will then have regular weekly or monthly
check-ins which will last 60min. Block bookings will be at a discounted rate. Once signed up you will also
receive the following which is included in the cost: –

A full nutritional & lifestyle analysis plan
Healthy Recipes (High Protein, Low Fat, Plant & Vegetarian)
Nutrition Guidance Pack full of information
Personalised Calorie Plan
1 Fast Food & Restaurant Guide of your choice (see shop page).

If you are interested, please go to my contact page and send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

Please note, all consultations & check-ins will be carried out on a weekend.