How To Read Food Labels
Nutrition labels can help you choose between products and keep a check on the amount of foods you’re eating that are high in fat, salt and added sugars. Most pre-packed foods have a nutrition...

How to Count Macros: A Step By Step Guide
If you belong to a gym, you would have heard about Macros. It entails keeping track of the calories and types of foods you eat in order to achieve certain macronutrient and calorie goals. Though...

How To Work Out Weight Change
If you’re overweight or obese, losing weight can reduce your risk of some potentially serious health problems. Most people who need to lose weight can get health benefits from losing even a...

Why are gyms or physical activity important ?
I am a member of two gyms, Body Ethics in Hitchin, Hertfordshire owned by Shane Raymond & Fitness First (Hammersmith, Shepherd’s Bush & St. Paul’s). Finding a great gym that you...

Protein Sources for Vegans
Why do we need protein? Protein is an essential part of our nutrition, making up about 17% of the body’s weight and it is the main component of our muscles, skin, internal organs, especially the...

What You Need For the pancakes: ⅝ cup (140g) potatoes, peeled and grated ¼ cup (50g) zucchini, grated 1 egg ½ shallot, chopped 2 tbsp. dill, chopped 2 tbsp. spelt flour For the topping: ⅕ cup (50g)...